تخيل عنقود عنب أخضر بيدك. و في هذا العنقود حبه فاسدة. هل ستتردد في قطع هذه الحبة و رميها بعيدا عن هذا العنقود ؟
فحبه فاسده لا تعني شيئا بين عنقود قطف مؤخرا. ، و عنقود فاسد لا يعني الكثير في كرم عنب.

هل تعتقد انه من العزيز على الله ان يفصلنا عن هذه الحياة و يستبدلنا بمن هم خير منا ؟

كلنا يسيء و يخطئ ولكن لكل شيء حد. قد يغفر الله لنا اذا خنا وطننا او اذا خذلنا اهلنا او خذلنا ديننا لكن عندما نصل الى خذلان انسانيتنا فمن يصلح حالنا ؟

انا لست واعضا ولا شيخ دين لكني قرأت لافتة "للعائلات فقط" على بوابة مجمع تجاري. الغريب ان رجل الامن لم يوقفني مع اني لم اكن مع عائلتي و لم اكن البس الثوب الذي قد يعتبر بطاقة مرور فوق القانون في بعض الاحيان.

اكتشفت لاحقا بأن تلك العبارة المزيفة ليست سوا تمويه لمنع الاشخاص من الطبقه العاملة من الدخول ! فاذا كنت تعمل ليل نهار في جونا اللطيف صيفا فقد اصبحت من المغضوب عليهم.

طوال الاسبوع جنود اخفياء يعملون ليل نهار. فهذا يزرع الصحراء والاخر يكنس طرقاتنا القذرة و اخر يبني بيوتنا نطاحة السحاب.
رجال تجدهم اينما التفت. بعضهم يوصل اطفالك الى مدارسهم حتى تتمكن من النوم نصف ساعة اكثر و البعض يملأ سيارتك حتى لا تتعب قدمك اللينة و اخر يجري كأنه بين الصفا ،و المروى ليأتي لك بعلبة البيبسي قبل ان تحس بالعطش.
يصلحون حواسيبنا و سياراتنا و طرقاتنا و حقول النفط

حتى نعيش مترفين لا نفكر في امور اهم من رقم سياره رباعي

نعطيهم يوما في الاسبوع ليرتاحوا. يوم مناسب فالاطفال ليسوا في المدارس و الاعمال اغلبها متوقفه.
ثم نمنعهم من التحرك ؟
فالكورنيش ممنوع المشي فيه
المجمعات التجاريه محصوره لعائلاتنا البشريه

كأن عائلاتهم ليست من البشر. ولا يحتاجون لأن يتنزهوا ولا يضحكوا ولا يتسوقوا. فهذا حق لنا نحن فقط

خلقوا ليخدمونا !

منا من نسي كيف يحك ظهره لأنه استعبد من يفعل ذلك له.

قد لا يكونوا من نفس البلد او لا يملكون في محافظهم ما نملكه او لا يتكلم،ن نفس اللغه او لا يملكون نفس عقيدتنا
لكنهم بشر و نحن نشاركهم الانسانيه. ليس من حق اي انسان في العالم ان يسلب انسانا اخرا انسانيته.

نحن لا نستطيع ان نعيش بدونهم ففد اتلفت الاموال عقولنا
لكن آمل ان منا من لم يتلف قلبه و بقيت فيه ذرة انسانية

اذا كان بلدنا بلد ينادي بحوار الحضارات و احترام الاديان فالاولى احترام ما يجمعنا و هو الانسانية

حرمناهم من ابتسامتنا و من احترامنا فمنا من تصعب عليه كلمة شكرا
كأنه سينقص اذا قالها لعامل في السوق

اذا كنت لا تهتم لأمرهم فاهتم لامر قومك. لا ترض ان ننسلخ من ديننا و اخلاقنا و انسانيتنا
افعلها لنفسك لتكون انسانا افضل.

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Posted on 9:56 AM, under

it's hard to imagine the way our life would have been if we weren't rich. What if oil hadn't been discovered, would we be happy ?
i'm sure we wouldn't have the beautiful sky scrapers nor the fancy cars.
It's hard to imagine this.

But what if everything was as it is right now except that the wealth was shared between the people. What if no one OWNED the country. what if everyone had to work harder to get their share of this great wealth that many people don't appreciate.

Would our simple-minded people pursue better education to get their share of the wealth ?

would this pursuit of knowledge be a catalyst for the architectural and intellectual growth ? or would the money be the reason to the moral, intellectual, civilian retardation ?

I guess we all agree that a nation can advance if the had both wealth and knowledge. What what can make us happy ?

Does knowledge make us happy ? We see happy illiterate people everywhere.
Does money make us happy ? But many poor people are happy.

Is it what we do with the money that makes the difference ? or is it how we got the money ?

What is happiness anyways ? Is having an enormous amount of money happiness ? Is spending all your money happiness on stuff you want happiness ?

What makes us pathetic rich people ? maybe it's trying to live up to the "rich people standards".

what makes us pathetic poor people ? i'm sure it's trying to keep up with the rich people's standards.

Are you happy ? are you happy because ur rich ? are you smart ? are you smart because you're rich ?

It's sad that our IQs isn't measured by the amount of money in our bank accounts ? imagine how the world would be with many smart rich people ?

now let's move to another scene. Imagine a poor person that you've seen somewhere. What made you think that this person is poor ? Was it his cheap car ? or was it his non-super-sized house ? Did you take a look at his bank account ?

Maybe this person was actually richer than you thought. It's just that he was happy with what he had. His car did its job, his house was enough for him and his family. Maybe his money got him everything he wanted, it's just wasn't everything other people wanted. Maybe he didn't want to live up to anyone's standards.

Now imagine a dumb rich man. This is not a hard thing to imagine since there are plenty of those around here. What if this man was very rich and had everything he thought he wanted ? An expensive car, a huge house, yacht, jet plane and maybe another house in another country too. What if this person didn't know how to say "thank you" when people do him a service ? would you say that this is a happy person ? What if this person had the most expensive phone invented, but he didn't know how to put his favorite song as a ringtone, would you say he's happy ?

so it's not being at rich people's life standards that defines a person's happiness.

most people say it's how satisfied a person is that makes him a happy person. But I don't think being satisfied with what you have that matters, it's actually appreciating the value of everything in your life. It's appreciating the people, the things and the knowledge.

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