B said it all

Posted on 6:39 PM, under

Mimiz Blog

I don't remember how i stumbled into this blog but I'm glad i did. I check it out every other day to see if there is anything new on it. It's nice to see that there are people who are actually "normal". People who think about what people around them do.

You can click on the link above and enjoy her writings.

This post is not about Mimiz blog. It's actually about a comment that a visitor who calls himself/herself B left on Mimiz blog. I thought I had to share it since B said it all in few lines.

B said,

My friend wants to marry a virgin..he has slept with girls in the past

My friend wants to marry a devoted, religious woman…for now he wants a “fun” and “outgoing” girlfriend

My friend is proud of the fact that his sisters are kept indoors and ‘hidden’…for now he would preferably like to be with a Qatari girl

My friend fancies himself as a religious person

My friend is a hypocrite…

…in our society he’s the rule, not the exception *sigh*

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1 Reply to "B said it all"

  • Anonymous on August 30, 2009 at 12:06 AM

    Thank you for mentioning my blog. I also share with you what i felt when i read B's words. 9ara7a '6arab elwatar el7assas

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